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Pupil Development Grant

The Pupil Development Grant at Thornwell Primary School

Schools in Wales are given funding on a per pupil basis, specifically to support and ensure comparable progress for all pupils in receipt of free school meals. Schools have to draw up detailed plans on how they will spend this money and then evaluate the progress made against the spending. Schools are required to publish the following information on their website about their PDG funding.

•    The total number of pupils on school role for September 2023 is 275, of which 31 are nursery aged pupils
•    The schools current free school meal population is 27% 
•    The school uses PDG funding to support pupils who currently receive free school meals or have done so previously
•    The total allocation of pupil development grant to this school for April 2023 to March 2024 is £113,850

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All of the spending activity detailed above is aligned with Welsh Government Guidance. As far as is possible, actions are selected according to research-based understanding of the impact versus cost.

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language has highlighted the importance of the following key areas for PDG spend.

•    High Quality Learning and Teaching 
•    Community Focused Schools 
•    Early childhood play, learning and care (ECPLC) (previously Early Childhood Education and Care) 
•    Health and Well-being of Children and Young People 
•    Developing high aspirations through strong relationships 
•    The Curriculum for Wales and Qualifications 
•    Leadership 
•    Supporting post-16 progression The school undertake the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation.

The school’s, PDG and education improvement grant plans are scrutinised by the governing body, supported by advice from the EAS (Education Achievement Service) and monitored by the local authority.

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