School Uniform
Uniform is worn to create a school identity and a sense of belonging and pride for pupils.
Uniform consists of -
Mid-grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
White polo shirt
Red school sweatshirt or jumper *
Black/dark coloured shoes
Grey or white socks, or grey tights
Alternative summer uniform consists of -
Black shorts
White polo shirt
Red T-shirt with school logo *
Red gingham dress
PE kit consists of -
White T-shirt with school badge *
Navy shorts with school badge *
Items marked * are available from the school office,
together with other items bearing the school badge
Navy waterproof Fleece Jacket
PE bags
Book bags
Sun hats
All other items of school uniform are readily available at local shops or large chain stores.
Pupils with parents on Income Support allowances may be eligible for clothing grants. Forms to apply for these concessions are available from the school office.